Beholding Revelation

May you be richly blessed in spiritual blessings. May your eye's be opened to behold the beauty of Christ through revelations of Him. May your ears be opened to hear the stillness, the quietness of His loving compassionate voice, and may your heart be softened like rich wet moist soil watered from on High to understand the riches of His Glory, the Hope of His calling, and the fullness of the love of Christ, shed forth by the Holy Ghost.

Not in mere words read in the scriptures, not in mere words spoken of men. But through revelations, through the Spirit of Christ, the love of Christ and the unction of the Holy One, the very anointed of God.

May the following scriptures bless you, and as you meditate of them, may Christ through His Spirit pour out the spirit of revelation upon you...

Blessings, in Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries